% 0期刊文章% Yu-Chien吴%一个土卫五。祖卡罗尔不干了温家宝% %何晶杨%杰西卡·m·吉尔% Sujuan高%一个凯瑟琳·A·莱恩%蒂莫西·B·迈耶%一个雅罗斯瓦夫Harezlak拉里·D·Riggen % %克里斯托弗·c·吉萨%约书亚高盛%一个凯文·m·Guskiewicz %杰森·p·Mihalik % Stephen m . LaConte %斯蒂芬·m·杜马% Steven p . Broglio %安德鲁j . Saykin %托马斯·沃克麦卡利斯特%迈克尔·A·麦克雷博士% T之间的纵向联系血液生物标志物和白质MRI的竞赛项目的相关研究脑震荡% B NCAA-DoD保健财团% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2023%。0000000000207389 % J半岛投注体育官网神经病学% P e189-e201 % V 101% N 2% X纵向研究背景和目标之间的关联blood-based神经生物标记物(包括总τ、光神经丝(NfL)、胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)和泛素c端hydrolase-L1)和白质神经影像生物标志物在大学生运动员与体育运动相关的脑震荡(SRC) 24小时postinjury 1星期后返回。方法分析临床和影像数据有脑震荡的大学生运动员脑震荡的评估,研究和教育(保健)财团。照顾参与者完成了当天的临床评估,血液吸引,和扩散张量成像(DTI)在三个时间点:受伤后24 - 48小时之内变得无症状,和7天后返回。DTI概率tractography执行每个参与者在每个时间点呈现27 participant-specific主要白质束。这些大片的微观结构组织4 DTI指标的特点。Mixed-effects模型与随机拦截应用于测试白质显微结构的异常是否与blood-based相关生物标记物在同一时间点。一个交互模型被用来测试是否协会在时间点不同。滞后模型用来测试是否早期blood-based生物标志物预测后显微结构的变化。77大学生运动员的数据结果包括在以下分析。4 blood-based中生物标志物,总τ有重大关联的DTI指标在三个时间点。特别是,τ级与径向扩散系数高(RD)对皮质脊髓束(β= 0.25,= 0.07,pFDR-adjusted = 0.016)和优越的丘脑的辐射(β= 0.21,= 0.07,pFDR-adjusted = 0.042)。NfL和GFAP和DTI度量时间关联。 NfL showed significant associations only at the asymptomatic time point (|β|s > 0.12, SEs <0.09, psFDR-adjusted < 0.05) and GFAP showed a significant association only at 7 days after return to play (βs > 0.14, SEs <0.06, psFDR-adjusted < 0.05). The p values for the associations of early tau and later RD were not significant after multiple comparison adjustment, but were less than 0.1 in 7 white matter tracts.Discussion This prospective study using data from the CARE Consortium demonstrated that in the early phase of SRC, white matter microstructural integrity detected by DTI neuroimaging was associated with elevated levels of blood-based biomarkers of traumatic brain injury. Total tau in the blood showed the strongest association with white matter microstructural changes.AD=axial diffusivity; CARE=Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education Consortium; CoV=coefficient of variance; DoD=Department of Defense; DTI=diffusion tensor imaging; FA=fractional anisotropy; FDR=false discovery rate; GFAP=glial fibrillary acidic protein; MD=mean diffusivity; mTBI=mild TBI; NCAA=National Collegiate Athletic Association; NfL=neurofilament light; RD=radial diffusivity; SRC=sport-related concussion; TBI=traumatic brain injury; TOI=tract of interest; UCH-L1=ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-L1; UCLA=University of California Los Angeles; UNC=University of North Carolina; VT=Virginia Tech %U //www.ebmtp.com/content/neurology/101/2/e189.full.pdf