TY - T1的生活压力在女性怀孕期间癫痫JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e2424 LP - e2431做- 10.1212 / WNL。半岛投注体育官网0000000000207274六世- 100 - 24盟Naveed乔杜里AU -格里高利·k·Bergey AU -彼得·w·卡普兰盟艾米丽·l·约翰逊Y1 - 2023/06/13 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/content/100/24/e2424.abstract半岛投注体育官网 N2 -背景和目标比较具体的生活压力和家庭暴力,孕妇和其他与癫痫(WWE)经验与孕妇和其他人没有癫痫(WWoE)。方法妊娠风险评估监测系统(婴儿车)是一年一度的加权随机抽样调查产后妇女由美国疾病控制和预防中心。我们使用婴儿车的数据从2012年到2020年的13个州评估报告的生活压力比WWoE WWE。我们调整后的数据对产妇年龄、种族、种族、婚姻状况、教育水平和社会经济地位(SES);使用收入,妇女、婴儿和儿童计划(WIC)和医疗补助使用)。我们还检查报告滥用与WWoE WWE相比。结果本研究包括数据从64951年产后妇女,通过加权抽样代表4072189名女性。其中,1140年报告有癫痫的诊断在怀孕前3个月(代表81021 WWE)。WWE相比WWoE经历了更多的压力。WWE更有可能经历了9 14压力要求的婴儿车问卷:严重疾病的一个亲密的家庭成员,分居或者离婚,无家可归,失去一个合作伙伴的工作,减少工作时间或者支付,认为比平时多与伴侣,狱中服刑,药物滥用问题密切接触,和死亡的密切联系。 After adjusting for demographics (age, race, and SES), epilepsy was still associated with a higher number of stressors in pregnant women. Other factors associated with stressors were younger age, Indigenous or mixed race, non-Hispanic ethnicity, lower income, and WIC or Medicaid use. Those who were married were less likely to report stressors. WWE were also more likely to report abuse before or during their pregnancies.Discussion Although managing stress is important in both epilepsy and pregnancy, WWE experience more stressors than do WWoE. After adjusting for maternal age, race, and SES, this increase in stressors persisted. Women who were younger, with lower income, on WIC or Medicaid, or not married were also more likely to experience life stressors. Alarmingly, reported abuse was also higher in WWE compared with WWoE. Attention from clinicians and support services for WWE are needed to optimize good pregnancy outcomes.ASD=antiseizure drug; CDC=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; IRR=incidence rate ratio; PNES=psychogenic nonepileptic seizure; PRAMS=Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System; SES=socioeconomic status; WIC=Women, Infants, and Children program; WWE=women and others with epilepsy; WWoE=women and others without epilepsy ER -