PT -期刊文章盟辛西娅·麦克马汉AU -德文k·迪特里希盟伊丽莎白·f·霍恩AU -艾琳·凯利盟卡特里娜Geannopoulos AU -彼得·斯莱姆Siyahhan Julnes AU -莉莲火腿盟Ulisses Santamaria盟Chuen-Yen刘盟天下吴盟- Hsing-Chuan谢长廷盟阿Ganesan AU -凯瑟琳Berjohn盟萨阿德Kapetanovic AU -丹尼尔s帝国盟Govind Nair AU -约瑟夫·雪盟-布莱恩·k·阿甘盟Avindra Nath AU -布莱恩·r·史密斯TI -神经认知功能障碍与神经损伤在艾滋病毒感染者长期- 10.1212 / WNL抗逆转录病毒治疗援助。0000000000207339 DP - 2023年6月13日TA -神经病半岛投注体育官网学PG - e2466 e2476 VI - 100 IP - 24 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2023 6月13;100 AB -背景和目标神经结果HIV携带者(PWH)在长时间的抗逆转录病毒疗法(ART)并不完全理解,和底层病理生理学尚不清楚。为了解决这个问题,我们建立了一个群这样的个人和它们与阴性对照相比使用小说匹配技术。两组进行了广泛的认知测试,评估精神措施,MRI和CSF分析。方法参与者接受了全面的神经心理测试和完成标准化的问卷测量抑郁症状,对自己的功能,日常生活活动作为一项观察性研究的一部分。脑部核磁共振和腰椎穿刺是可选的。腥红的确切匹配被用来减少在年龄和性别差异,以及加权线性/逻辑回归模型被用来评估艾滋病对结果的影响。结果数据进行了分析从155年PWH艺术至少15年,100名艾滋病毒阴性对照。与控制相比,PWH得分低关注的领域/工作记忆(PWH最小平方的意思(LSM) = 50.4 vs控制LSM = 53.1, p = 0.008)和运动功能(44.6 vs 47.7, p = 0.009)和一个测试的信息处理速度(符号搜索30.3 vs 32.2, p = 0.003)。他们更可能自我报告在日常生活中更多的认知困难(p = 0.011)。PWH也报道更多的抑郁症状,焦虑,和使用精神科药物(所有p & lt; 0.05). PWH had reduced proportions of subcortical gray matter on MRI (β = −0.001, p < 0.001), and CSF showed elevated levels of neurofilament light chain (664 vs 529 pg/mL, p = 0.01) and tumor necrosis factor α (0.229 vs 0.156 ng/mL, p = 0.0008).Discussion PWH, despite effective ART for over a decade, displayed neurocognitive deficits and mood abnormalities. MRI and CSF analyses revealed reduced brain volume and signs of ongoing neuronal injury and neuroinflammation. As the already large proportion of virologically controlled PWH continues to grow, longitudinal studies should be conducted to elucidate the implications of cognitive, psychiatric, MRI, and CSF abnormalities in this group.ART=antiretroviral therapy; AZT=zidovudine; BDI=Beck Depression Inventory; CEM=Coarsened Exact Matching; ESS=effective sample size; HAND=HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders; IL=interleukin; IQR=interquartile range; IRB=Institutional Review Board; LSM=least square mean; NfL=neurofilament light; NP=neuropsychological; OR=odds ratio; PAOFI=Patient's Assessment of Own Functioning Inventory; PWH=people with HIV; TFLS=Texas Functional Living Scale; TNF=tumor necrosis factor; USU=Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; WAIS=Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale