@article {Costamagnae2477作者={蒋禄卡Costamagna Andreas加热和Haralampos Milionis Dimitris Lambrou和亚历山大·萨勒诺和大卫。Strambo弗兰{\ c c}瓦兹里维奥和Babak本杰明纳和帕特里克•米歇尔},title ={临床和人口特征、机制和结果在急性缺血性中风患者和新诊断或活跃癌症},体积={100}={24},页面= {e2477——e2489} = {2023}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000207341}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景和目标的新诊断癌症患者进行急性缺血性中风的风险增加(AIS),这风险变化取半岛投注体育官网决于年龄、肿瘤类型、阶段,从诊断和时间。AIS患者是否一个新的诊断肿瘤代表不同的子集从那些先前已知的活跃的恶性肿瘤仍不清楚。我们旨在估计的中风患者的新诊断癌症(NC)和先前已知的癌症(KC)和比较活跃的人口和临床特征,中风的机制和团体之间的长期结果。方法采用2003年{\ textendash} 2021年洛桑急性中风注册表的数据和分析注册表,我们比较KC患者患者数控(AIS住院期间癌症识别或在接下来的12个月)。不活跃,没有历史的癌症患者被排除在外。结果改良Rankin规模(夫人)得分在3个月,死亡率和复发性中风在12个月。我们使用多变量回归分析比较组间结果而调整重要的预测变量。结果在AIS患者6686,362(5.4 \ %)活跃的癌症(AC),包括与NC 102 (1.5 \ %)。胃肠道和泌尿生殖器的癌症是最常见的癌症类型。在所有患者交流,152(42.5 \ %)中特别有指导性被归类为癌症相关,有近一半的这些案例归因于高凝结状态。在多变量分析中,数控减少了患者中风发作前的残疾(调整优势比(aOR)为0.62,95 \ % CI 0.44 {\ textendash} 0.86)和之前减少卒中/短暂性脑缺血发作事件(优势比0.43,95 \ % CI 0.21 {\ textendash} 0.88)患者KC。三个月夫人分数类似癌症组之间(优势比1.27,95 \ % CI 0.65 {\ textendash} 2.49),主要由新诊断脑转移的存在(优势比7.22,95 \ % CI 1.49 {\ textendash} 43.17)和转移性癌(优势比2.19,95 \ % CI 1.22 3.97 {\ textendash})。 At 12 months, mortality risk was higher in patients with NC vs patients with KC (hazard ratio [HR] 2.11, 95\% CI 1.38{\textendash}3.21), while recurrent stroke risk was similar between groups (adjusted HR 1.27, 95\% CI 0.67{\textendash}2.43).Discussion In a comprehensive institutional registry spanning nearly 2 decades, 5.4\% of patients with AIS had AC, a quarter of which were diagnosed during or within 12 months after the index stroke hospitalization. Patients with NC had less disability and prior cerebrovascular disease, but a higher 1-year risk of subsequent death than patients with KC.AC=active cancer; aHR=adjusted hazard ratio; AIS=acute ischemic stroke; aOR=adjusted odds ratio; ASTRAL=Acute STroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne; ESUS=embolic stroke of undetermined source; EVT=endovascular thrombectomy; HRA=Human Rights Act; HRO=Human Research Ordinance; IQR=interquartile range; IVT=IV thrombolysis; KC=known active cancer; MDS=myelodysplastic syndrome; mRS=modified Rankin scale; NC=newly diagnosed cancer; NIHSS=NIH Stroke Scale; PFO=patent foramen ovale; TOAST=Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/24/e2477}, eprint = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/24/e2477.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }