TY - T1的头部创伤在难民和寻求庇护者JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e2155 LP - - 10.1212 / W半岛投注体育官网NL e2169做。0000000000207261六世- 100 - 21 AU -阿尔塔夫萨阿迪AU -威廉姆斯茉莉属非盟- Ameerah首脑AU -玛格丽塔喜悦盟安娜玛利亚·m·Vranceanu Y1 - 2023/05/23 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/content/100/21/e2155.abstract N2 -背景半岛投注体育官网和目标的难民和寻求庇护者头部创伤的风险。他们忍受打击头部由于紧急情况下需要安置(例如,酷刑,战争,人际暴力)在他们的危险旅程的避难所。我们的目标是评估全球难民和寻求庇护者头部创伤患病率并描述其临床特点在这个人口。方法的协议在普洛斯彼罗国际前瞻性登记注册的系统评价(CRD42020173534)。PubMed / MEDLINE, PsycInfo、网络科学、Embase,谷歌学术搜索数据库寻找相关的研究。我们包括所有研究英语,包括任何年龄的难民和寻求庇护者和检查头部创伤的发病率或特征。我们不排除研究的同行评议的原始研究。信息被记录在头部外伤的流行,方法确定头部创伤,严重程度,损伤机制,其他创伤暴露,和并发症。进行了描述性分析和叙述合成。结果共包括22个研究,其中13 6038名难民和寻求庇护者头部创伤患病率。 Prevalence estimates ranged from 9% to 78%. Heterogeneity among studies precluded meta-analysis. Most studies were US based (n = 9, 41%), followed by the Middle East (n = 5, 23%). Most refugees or asylum seekers were from the Middle East (n = 9, 41%), with those from Latin America least represented (n = 3, 14%). Studies disproportionately involved younger (pooled mean age = 29 years) adult samples composed of men. Recruitment settings were predominantly hospitals/clinics (n = 14, 64%), followed by refugee camps (n = 3, 14%). The most common mechanism of injury was direct impact through a beating or blow to the head. Studies varied greatly in how head trauma was defined and ascertained; no study used a validated traumatic brain injury (TBI)–specific screening tool. Similarly, TBI severity was not uniformly assessed, although hospital-based samples captured more moderate-to-severe head injuries. Mental health comorbidities were more frequently documented rather than physical health ones. Only 2 studies included a comparison with local populations.Discussion Refugees and asylum seekers are vulnerable to head trauma, but studies using systematic approaches to screening are lacking. Increased attention to head trauma in displaced populations will allow for optimizing equitable care for this growing vulnerable population.IPV=intimate partner violence; LOC=loss of consciousness; PTA=posttraumatic amnesia; PTSD=posttraumatic stress disorder; TBI=traumatic brain injury ER -