TY - T1的种族和民族的差异对个人健康相关的生活质量与帕金森病在卓越中心JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e2170 LP - e2181做- 10.1212 / WNL。半岛投注体育官网0000000000207247六世- 100 - 21罗盟盛-丹尼尔加宾风迪卢卡盟盟- Hongliang刘盟梅勒妮科恩AU -托马斯·l·戴维斯盟Adoldo Ramirez-Zamora盟负责人wafez -米里亚姆拉弗蒂盟早Dahodwala AU -安娜Naito盟玛丽莲Neault AU -詹姆斯·贝克盟康尼马拉Y1 - 2023/05/23 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/content/100/21/e2170.abstract N2 -背景和目标种族和少数民族弱势在帕金森病(PD)的研究中,限制我们理解治疗和结果在所有非白人群体。半岛投注体育官网本研究的目的是调查变化(HRQoL)和其他健康相关的生活质量结果PD患者在不同人种和种族。方法这是一个回顾性、横向和纵向队列研究的个人评估PD的卓越中心。A multivariable regression analysis adjusted for sex, age, disease duration, Hoehn and Yahr (H&Y) stage, comorbidities, and cognitive score was used to investigate differences between racial and ethnic groups. A multivariable regression with skewed-t errors was performed to assess the individual contribution of each variable to the association of 39-item PD Questionnaire (PDQ-39) with race and ethnicity.Results A total of 8,514 participants had at least 1 recorded visit. Most of them (90.2%) self-identified as White (n = 7,687), followed by 5.81% Hispanic (n = 495), 2% Asians (n = 170), and 1.9% African American (n = 162). After adjustment, total PDQ-39 scores were significantly higher (worse) in African Americans (28.56), Hispanics (26.62), and Asians (25.43) when compared with those in White patients (22.73, p < 0.001). This difference was also significant in most PDQ-39 subscales. In the longitudinal analysis, the inclusion of cognitive scores significantly decreased the strength of association of the PDQ-39 and race/ethnicity for minority groups. A mediation analysis demonstrated that cognition partially mediated the association between race/ethnicity and PDQ-39 scores (proportion mediated 0.251, p < 0.001).Discussion There were differences in PD outcomes across racial and ethnic groups, even after adjustment for sex, disease duration, HY stage, age, and some comorbid conditions. Most notably, there was worse HRQoL among non-White patients when compared with White patients, which was partially explained by cognitive scores. The underlying reason for these differences needs to be a focus of future research.AA=African American; ACME=average causal mediation effect; AD=Alzheimer disease; ADL=activities of daily living; HRQoL=health-related quality of life; H&Y=Hoehn and Yahr; LEDD=levodopa equivalent daily dose; PD=Parkinson disease; PDQ-39=39-item PD questionnaire; PF-POP=Parkinson Foundation Parkinson Outcomes Project ER -