TY - T1的过早死亡率和死亡原因中癫痫患者JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e2060 LP - e2070做- 10.1212 / WNL。半岛投注体育官网0000000000207212六世- 100 - 20盟韩惠珍月球盟Dongwon Yoon——Hyesung李盟盟- Yong Seo古盟Ju-Young Shin盟舒英李Y1 - 2023/05/16 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/content/100/20/e2060.abstract N2 -背景和目标癫痫半岛投注体育官网患者(PWE)有过早死亡的风险根据研究人口差异很大。我们旨在估计风险和死亡原因的PWE根据年龄、疾病严重程度、疾病,并发症,在韩国社会经济地位。方法:我们进行了一次全国性的以人群为基础的回顾性队列研究使用国家健康保险数据库与全国死亡登记。新治疗PWE从2008年到2016年被抗癫痫药物(ASM)确定处方和癫痫诊断代码/没收包括观察直到2017年。我们评估全因死亡率和特殊原油和标准化死亡率死因特异性)。结果138998名PWE,鉴定了20095人的死亡,平均随访期为4.79年。一是2.25在整个群PWE,更高的价值在年轻的年龄组诊断和诊断后较短的时间间隔。鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后的单药治疗组为1.56,而在组4或更多的asm 4.93。PWE没有任何鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后并发症有1.61。鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后PWE农村居民有较高的人比那些城市居民(分别为2.47和2.03)。 The causes of death among PWE were cerebrovascular disease (18.9%, SMR 4.50), malignant neoplasms outside the CNS (15.7%, SMR 1.37), malignant neoplasms of the CNS (6.7%, SMR 46.95), pneumonia (6.0%, SMR 2.08), and external causes (7.2%, SMR 2.17), including suicide (2.6%, SMR 2.07). Epilepsy itself and status epilepticus accounted for 1.9% of the overall death. The excess mortality associated with pneumonia and external causes was persistently high, whereas the excess mortality associated with malignancy and cerebrovascular diseases tended to decrease with increasing time since diagnosis.Discussion This study showed excess mortality in PWE, even in those without comorbidities and those receiving monotherapy. Regional disparities and sustained risks of deaths from external causes over 10 years imply potential points of intervention. In addition to active control of seizures, education about injury prevention, monitoring for suicidal ideation, and efforts to improve accessibility to epilepsy care are all required to reduce mortality.ASM=antiseizure medication; CCI=Charlson Comorbidity Index; CMR=crude mortality rate; HR=hazard ratio; ICD-10=International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision; NHIS=National Health Insurance Service; PWE=people with epilepsy; SMR=standardized mortality ratio; WHO=World Health Organization ER -