RT期刊文章SR电子T1丛集性头痛和偏头痛的生理特性:系统回顾,荟萃分析和遗传分析乔摩根富林明神经病学神经病学FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯10.1212 SP / WNL。半岛投注体育官网0000000000207240 10.1212 / WNL。金0000000000207240 A1巴尔拉斯大使Benkli A1阳光年轻A1 Nobuya小池百合子A1 Chorong汉A1西莉亚Tran A1艾玛·席尔瓦A1 Yuanqing燕A1 Kazuhiro Yagita A1郑陈A1 Seung-Hee Yoo A1马克约瑟夫Burish年2023 UL //www.ebmtp.com/content/early/2023/03/29/WNL.0000000000半岛投注体育官网207240.abstract AB背景和目标:丛集性头痛和偏头痛有生理特性在不同层次(细胞、系统和行为)。全面了解他们的生理特性通知他们的病理生理学。方法:图书管理员创建搜索标准在Medline奥维德,Embase, PsycINFO, Web的科学和Cochrane图书馆。两个医生独立完成剩余的系统回顾/荟萃分析使用棱镜的指导方针。独立于系统审查/荟萃分析我们进行了遗传分析基因表达的昼夜模式(时钟控制基因或20)交叉引用全基因组关联研究(GWAS)头痛、非人类的灵长类动物研究在20多种组织,和最近的评论相关的大脑区域在头痛疾患。完全,这允许我们的目录生理特性在行为层面(昼夜时间,时间,时间,时间类型),系统层面(相关的大脑区域在20是活跃的,褪黑激素和类固醇水平),和细胞水平(核心生理基因和20)。结果:系统回顾和荟萃分析,1513年的研究发现,72遇到入选标准;遗传分析我们发现16 GWAS, 1非人类的灵长类动物的研究中,与16成像检查。丛集性头痛:行为,荟萃分析显示昼夜模式的攻击在70.5%(3490/4953)的16个研究参与者之间有明显的昼夜峰21:00-03:00 circannual山峰在春天和秋天。时间类型高度在研究变量。 At the systems level, lower melatonin and higher cortisol levels were reported. At the cellular level, cluster headache was associated with core circadian genes CLOCK and REV-ERBα, and five of the nine cluster headache susceptibility genes were CCGs.Migraine: Behaviorally, meta-analyses showed a circadian pattern of attacks in 50.1% (2698/5385) of participants across eight studies, with a clear circadian trough between 23:00-07:00 and a broad circannual peak between April-October. Chronotype was highly variable across studies. At the systems level, urinary melatonin levels were lower in migraine participants and even lower during an attack. At the cellular level, migraine was associated with core circadian genes CK1δ and RORα, and 110 of the 168 migraine susceptibility genes were CCGs.Discussion: Cluster headache and migraine are highly circadian at multiple levels, reinforcing the importance of the hypothalamus. This review provides a pathophysiological foundation for circadian-targeted research into these disorders.Trial Registration Information: The study was registered with PROSPERO (registration number CRD42021234238).