@article{集市{\ \我}nez-Fern {\ '} ndeze1395,作者}= {Ra {\ ' u l集市{\ \我}nez-Fern {\ '} ndez和艾琳娜Natera-Villalba和豪尔赫米{\ '}{\ ~ n} ez米尔{\ ' o}和拉斐尔Rodriguez-Rojas和玛尔塔玛尔塔德尔{\ '}拉莫和乔斯{\ ' e}{\ '}安吉尔Pineda-Pardo和克劳迪娅阿曼Ignacio Obeso大卫Mata-Mar{\ \我}n和弗里达苍鹭{\”}ndez-Fern {\ '} ndez和卡门Gasca-Salas Michele Matarazzo和费尔南多Alonso-Frech Jose a . Obeso} title ={潜在的长期随访的聚焦超声单边Subthalamotomy帕金森病},体积={100}={13},页面= {e1395——e1405} = {2023}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000206771}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景和目标单边磁共振{\ textendash}引导聚焦超声波subthala半岛投注体育官网motomy (FUS-STN)已被证明改善帕金森病(PD)的基本运动特性。这种影响是否持续还不知道。本研究旨在报告PD患者的长期结果单边FUS-STN对待。方法:我们进行了一项前瞻性开放研究的不对称的PD患者接受单边FUS-STN。所有患者进行评估后36个月治疗。主要结果的差异从基线到36个月后FUS-STN得分的运动障碍社会统一帕金森{\ textendash} {\ textquoteright}年代疾病评定量表(MDS-UPDRS)电动机部分(III)的治疗hemibody off-medication状态。安全的结果包括所有不良事件发生在随访中。二次结果的变化MDS-UPDRS三世分数服用药物;部分的得分的刚性,动作迟缓、震颤和轴向功能;总MDS-UPDRS三世; and the MDS-UPDRS part IV. Functional disability and quality of life were assessed using the MDS-UPDRS II and the PDQ39, respectively. Patient impression of change and satisfaction with the treatment were self-assessed. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test with subsequent Bonferroni{\textquoteright}s correction was used for data analysis.Results Thirty-two patients with PD were evaluated at 36 months after treatment. The mean ({\textpm}SD) age at baseline was 56.0 {\textpm} 10.1 years, with a mean disease duration of 6.8 {\textpm} 2.8 years. The MDS-UPDRS III score for the treated hemibody off-medication was improved by 52.3\% from baseline to 3 years (score reduction from 19.0 {\textpm} 3.2 to 8.9 {\textpm} 3.3, 95\% CI 8.7 to 11.6, p \< 0.001), and all specific motor features were improved from baseline. No disabling or delayed adverse events were reported. The total MDS-UPDRS III off-medication score was 22.9\% lower at 3 years than before treatment (36.8 {\textpm} 7.4 vs 27.4 {\textpm} 6.2, 95\% CI 6.0 to 11.5, p \< 0.001). The MDS-UPDRS II, IV, and PDQ39 scores and levodopa dose were equivalent to those at baseline.Discussion The benefit of unilateral FUS-STN on PD motor features is sustained in the long term. FUS-STN contributes to better clinical control over several years of evolution. NCT02912871/03454425.Classification of Evidence This study provides Class IV evidence on the utility of focused ultrasound unilateral subthalamotomy in the treatment of people with Parkinson disease.DBS=deep brain stimulation; ET=essential tremor; FUS-STN=focused ultrasound subthalamotomy; LEDD=levodopa equivalent daily dose; MDS-UPDRS=Movement Disorder Society{\textendash}Unified Parkinson{\textquoteright}s Disease Rating Scale; PD=Parkinson disease; PDQ-39SI=39-item Parkinson{\textquoteright}s Disease Questionnaire Summary Index; STN=subthalamic nucleus}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/13/e1395}, eprint = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/13/e1395.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }