@article {Fouriere1207作者={卡门傅里叶和卡罗琳和安娜·斯坦伯格和克里斯蒂娜Sj {\ " o}链和Elisabet Waldenlind和安德里亚胭脂贝林},title ={性别差异在临床特征、治疗和生活方式因素丛集性头痛患者},体积={100}={12},页面= {e1207——e1220} = {2023}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000201688}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={丛集性头痛的背景和目标被认为是男性主导的障碍,但我们曾提出,女性患者可能显示一半岛投注体育官网个更严重的表型。丛集性头痛的研究性别差异冲突;因此,这项研究中,最大的验证丛集性头痛材料目前,给更多的见解性别特征的疾病。本研究的目的是描述病人人口的性别差异,临床表型,生物钟学、触发器、治疗、和生活方式在瑞典人口丛集性头痛。方法研究参与者被筛选确定医疗记录从2014年到2020年,要求医院和神经学诊所在瑞典的icd - 10编码G44.0丛集性头痛。半岛投注体育官网每个参与者回答详细的临床资料和生活方式的问卷调查,和所有变量而对性别。结果共有874名研究参与者与丛集性头痛诊断包括验证。的参与者,575(66 \ %)是男性和299(34 \ %)是女性,和生理性别匹配的自述性。女性参与者在更大程度上被诊断为慢性丛集性头痛亚型相比之下,男性参与者(18 \ % vs 9 \ %, p = 0.0002)。符合这一观点,女性参与者报告不再发作比男性参与者(p = 0.003),经常使用预防性治疗(60 \ % vs 48 \ %, p = 0.0005)。关于相关症状,女性参与者经历上睑下垂(61 \ % vs 47 \ %, p = 0.0002)和不安(54 \ % vs 46 \ %, p = 0.02)与男性参与者相比更频繁。更多的女性比男性的研究参与者都做了积极的家族史的丛集性头痛(15 \ % vs 7 \ %, p = 0.0002)。 In addition, female participants reported diurnal rhythmicity of their attacks more often than male participants (74\% vs 63\%, p = 0.002). Alcohol as a trigger occurred more frequently in male participants (54\% vs 48\%, p = 0.01), whereas lack of sleep triggering an attack was more common in female participants (31\% vs 20\%, p = 0.001).Discussion With this in-depth analysis of a well-characterized cluster headache population, we could demonstrate that there are significant differences between male and female participants with cluster headache, which should be regarded at the time of diagnosis and when choosing treatment options. The data suggest that female patients generally may be more gravely affected by cluster headache than male patients.CLOCK=Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput; GDPR=General Data Protection Regulation; ICD-10=International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision; ICHD-3=International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd Edition; SCN=suprachiasmatic nucleus}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/12/e1207}, eprint = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/12/e1207.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }