@文章{Ahmede1282,作者= {Rashid Ahmed和Carl Mhina, Karan Philip和Smit D. Patel和Ehimen Aneni, Chukwuemeka Osondu和Oluwatomi Lamikanra, Emmanuel Oladele Akano和Nnabuchi Anikpezie和Karen C. Albright, Julius G. Latorre和Seemant Chaturvedi和Fadar Oliver Otite},标题={美国急性缺血性中风后医疗并发症的年龄和性别趋势},卷={100},编号={12},页数= {e1282- e1295},年份= {2023},doi = {10.1212/WNL。0000000000206749},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康公司代表美国神经病学学会},摘要={背景和目的为了检验传染性(肺炎、败血症和尿路感染[UTI])和非传染性(深静脉半岛投注体育官网血栓[DVT]、肺栓塞[PE]、急性肾功能衰竭[ARF]、急性心肌梗死[AMI])的年龄和性别特异性患病率的假设,2007年至2019年,美国急性缺血性中风(AIS)住院后并发症增加。方法采用2007年2019年全国住院患者样本进行连续横断面研究。采用国际疾病分类编码对伴有或不伴有并发症的成人(18岁或以上)原发性AIS入院患者进行识别。我们量化了并发症的年龄/性别特异性患病率,并使用负二项回归模型评估随时间变化的趋势。结果在5751601例加权入院患者中,51.4%为女性。25.1%有至少一种并发症。UTI(11.8\%)、ARF(10.1\%)、肺炎(3.2\%)和AMI(2.5\%)是最常见的并发症,而败血症(1.7\%)、GIB(1.1\%)、DVT(1.2\%)和PE(0.5\%)是最不常见的并发症。不同年龄/性别的并发症风险差异显著(UTI:男性18岁(21.1%);80岁及以上女性22.5%)。 Prevalence of UTI (12.9\%{\textendash}9.7\%) and pneumonia (3.8\%{\textendash}2.7\%) declined, but that of ARF increased by ≈3-fold (4.8\%{\textendash}14\%) over the period 2007{\textendash}2019 (all p \< 0.001). AMI (1.9\%{\textendash}3.1\%), DVT (1.0\%{\textendash}1.4\%), and PE (0.3\%{\textendash}0.8\%) prevalence also increased (p \< 0.001), but that of sepsis and GIB remained unchanged over time. After multivariable adjustment, risk of all complications increased with increasing NIH Stroke Scale (pneumonia: prevalence rate ratio [PRR] 1.03, 95\% CI 1.03{\textendash}1.04, for each unit increase), but IV thrombolysis was associated with a reduced risk of all complications (pneumonia: PRR 0.80, 85\% CI 0.73{\textendash}0.88; AMI: PRR 0.85, 95\% CI 0.78{\textendash}0.92; and DVT PRR 0.87, 95\% CI 0.78{\textendash}0.98). Mechanical thrombectomy was associated with a reduced risk of UTI, sepsis, and ARF, but DVT and PE were more prevalent in MT hospitalizations compared with those without. All complications except UTI were associated with an increased risk of in-hospital mortality (sepsis: PRR 1.97, 95\% CI 1.78{\textendash}2.19).Discussion Infectious complications declined, but noninfectious complications increased after AIS admissions in the United States in the last decade. Utilization of IV thrombolysis is associated with a reduced risk of all complications.AIS=acute ischemic stroke; AMI=acute myocardial infarction; ARF=acute renal failure; CKD=chronic kidney disease; DVT=deep venous thrombosis; GIB=gastrointestinal bleeding; HCUP=Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project; ICD-9=International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision; ICD-10=International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision; ICH=intracerebral hemorrhage; MT=mechanical thrombectomy; MV=mechanically ventilated; NIHSS=NIH Stroke Scale; NIS=Nationwide Inpatient Sample; PE=pulmonary embolism; PRR=prevalence rate ratio; UTI=urinary tract infection}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/12/e1282}, eprint = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/12/e1282.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }