@文章{Boee1048,作者= {Boe, Nils Jensen和Hald, Stine Munk和Jensen, Mie michelelsen和Bojsen, Jonas Asgaard和Elhakim, Mohammad Talal和Florisson, Sandra和Saleh, Alisa和Clausen, Anne和M{'\ ' o}ller, S{'\ ' o}ren和Harbo, Frederik Severin Gr{'\ ' a}e和Graumann, Ole和Hallas, Jesper和Garc{'\ ' i}a Rodr{\' i}guez, Luis Alberto和Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam和Gaist, David},title ={他汀类药物使用与脑出血位置的关系},volume = {100}, number = {10}, pages = {e1048—e1061}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1212/WNL.;0000000000201664},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.代表美国神经病学学会},摘要={背景和目标他汀类药物使用与脑出血(ICH)之间的因果关系尚不半岛投注体育官网确定。我们假设长期他汀类药物暴露与ICH风险之间的关联可能因不同的ICH位置而有所不同。方法:我们使用丹麦全国范围内的相关登记进行了分析。在丹麦南部地区(人口120万),我们确定了2009年至2018年>=55岁人群中所有首例脑出血病例。有医疗记录证实诊断的患者被分为大叶性脑出血或非大叶性脑出血,并在年龄、性别和日历年方面与一般人群对照相匹配。我们使用全国处方注册表来确定之前使用他汀类药物和其他药物,并根据最近时间、持续时间和强度进行分类。使用对潜在混杂因素进行调整的条件逻辑回归,我们计算了大叶性和非大叶性脑出血风险的调整ORs (aORs)和相应的95% ci。结果我们确定了989例大叶性脑出血患者(52.2%女性,平均年龄76.3岁)与39500名对照者匹配,1175例非大叶性脑出血患者(46.5%女性,平均年龄75.1岁)与46755名对照者匹配。目前使用他汀类药物与大叶病变风险降低相关(aOR 0.83; 95\% CI, 0.70{\textendash}0.98) and nonlobar ICH (aOR 0.84; 95\% CI, 0.72{\textendash}0.98). Longer duration of statin use was also associated with a lower risk of lobar (\<1 year: aOR 0.89; 95\% CI, 0.69{\textendash}1.14; >=1 year to \<5 years aOR 0.89; 95\% CI 0.73{\textendash}1.09; >=5 years aOR 0.67; 95\% CI, 0.51{\textendash}0.87; p for trend 0.040) and nonlobar ICH (\<1 year: aOR 1.00; 95\% CI, 0.80{\textendash}1.25; >=1 year to \<5 years aOR 0.88; 95\% CI 0.73{\textendash}1.06; >=5 years aOR 0.62; 95\% CI, 0.48{\textendash}0.80; p for trend \<0.001). Estimates stratified by statin intensity were similar to the main estimates for low-medium intensity therapy (lobar aOR 0.82; nonlobar aOR 0.84); the association with high-intensity therapy was neutral.Discussion We found that statin use was associated with a lower risk of ICH, particularly with longer treatment duration. This association did not vary by hematoma location.aOR=adjusted OR; CAA=cerebral amyloid angiopathy; ICH=intracerebral hemorrhage; IVH=intraventricular hemorrhage; RSD=Region of Southern Denmark; SVD=small vessel disease}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/10/e1048}, eprint = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/10/e1048.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }