TY - JOUR T1 -在认知未受损的多种族社区样本中,主观认知衰退与痴呆症进展的关联JF -神经学JO -神经学SP - e1020 LP - e1027 DO - 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201658半岛投注体育官网VL - 100 IS - 10 AU -查普曼,西尔维亚AU - Rentería,米格尔阿尔塞AU -德沃金,乔丹D. AU -加里加,斯特拉M. AU -巴克尔,梅根S. AU -阿维拉-里格尔,贾斯汀娜AU -冈萨雷斯,克里斯托弗AU -乔伊斯,吉莉安L. AU - Vonk, Jet M.J. AU -索托,伊丽莎白AU -曼利,詹妮弗J. AU -布里克曼,亚当M. AU - Mayeux,理查德P. AU -科森蒂诺,Stephanie a . Y1 - 2023/03/07 UR - http://n半岛投注体育官网.neurology.org/content/100/10/e1020.abstract N2 -背景和目标本前瞻性研究旨在检验主观认知衰退(SCD)作为社区非拉丁裔白人、非拉丁裔黑人和拉丁裔个体未来发展为痴呆症的标志物的效用。围绕SCD的实用性存在争议,在传统的神经心理学评估中,一个人在这种损害之前的认知能力下降的主观感知是很明显的,是即将发生阿尔茨海默病的早期指标。不幸的是,大多数关于SCD的研究都是在非拉丁裔白人样本中进行的,通常排除了最容易患痴呆症的人群。研究人员将认知功能未受损、有SCD基线测量、自认为非拉丁裔白人、非拉丁裔黑人或拉丁裔的参与者纳入华盛顿高地-因伍德哥伦比亚老龄化项目的队列研究。SCD被测量为10个评估认知抱怨的项目的连续总和。竞争性风险模型测试了基线SCD对痴呆症进展的主要影响。模型根据年龄、性别/性别、受教育年限、医疗共病负担、入组队列和基线记忆测试表现进行了调整,死亡联合建模为种族/民族的函数。研究共选取了4043名参与者(1063名非拉丁裔白人,1267名非拉丁裔黑人和1713名拉丁裔),平均年龄为75岁,67%为女性,平均随访5年。 Higher baseline SCD was associated with increased rates of incident dementia over time in the full sample (hazard ratio [HR] 1.085, CI 1.047–1.125, p < 0.001) and within Latinx (HR 1.084, CI 1.039–1.130, p < 0.001) and non-Latinx Black individuals (HR 1.099, CI 1.012–1.194, p = 0.024).Discussion Overall results of this study support SCD as a prodromal marker of dementia in a multiracial community sample, and in Latinx and non-Latinx Black individuals in particular. Because models examining the risk of dementia were adjusted for baseline memory test performance, the results support the idea that SCD, a subjective reflection of one's own current cognitive functioning, contributes information above and beyond standard memory testing. Current findings highlight the importance of carefully evaluating any memory concerns raised by older adults during routine visits and underscore the potential utility of screening older adults for SCD.AD=Alzheimer disease; MCI=mild cognitive impairment; SCD=subjective cognitive decline; WHICAP=Washington Heights–Inwood Columbia Aging Project ER -