TY -的T1 -编者注:Infratentorial脑损伤患者疑似神经死亡的标准:系统回顾和荟萃分析JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 494 LP - 494 - 10.1212 / WNL。半岛投注体育官网0000000000207090六世- 100 - 10 AU -刘易斯,阿丽亚娜盟——Galetta史蒂文Y1 - 2023/03/07 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/conten半岛投注体育官网t/100/10/494.1.abstract N2 -在“Infratentorial脑损伤患者疑似神经死亡的标准:系统回顾和荟萃分析,“伯瑞犬等人基于回顾21个研究报告,(1)的患病率Infratentorial脑损伤患者疑似死于神经系统标准(DNC) -16%和2%(2)孤立脑干死亡1% - -4%。马查多指出,一系列的4 infratentorial脑损伤患者最初孤立脑干死亡后来发展到全脑死亡。对这些患者的研究是包括在伯瑞犬的审查。他还评论说,Jahi McMath,他被宣布死亡的神经标准基于临床评价和辅助测试缺血脑损伤后,损伤了她的脑桥和神经标准没有死,因为她没有一个完整的颅内循环被捕。这种情况下在文献中广泛讨论,但伯瑞犬和间隙,没有提供评论。然而,他们同意马查多,需要更多的研究来了解患者的决心DNC infratentorial脑损伤。在“Infratentorial脑损伤患者疑似神经死亡的标准:系统回顾和荟萃分析,“伯瑞犬等人基于回顾21个研究报告,(1)的患病率Infratentorial脑损伤患者疑似死于神经系统标准(DNC) -16%和2%(2)孤立脑干死亡1% - -4%。马查多指出,一系列的4 infratentorial脑损伤患者最初孤立脑干死亡后来发展到全脑死亡。对这些患者的研究是包括在伯瑞犬的审查。 He also commented that Jahi McMath, who was declared dead by neurologic criteria based on both clinical evaluation and ancillary testing after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury, had a lesion in her pons and was not dead by neurologic criteria because she did not have a complete intracranial circulatory arrest. This case has been discussed extensively in the literature, but Briard and Chassé did not offer comments on it. However, they agree with Machado that additional research is needed to understand the determination of DNC in patients with infratentorial brain injury. ER -