RT杂志文章SR电子T1 CSF P-Tau181和神经核内包涵体病患者的其他生物标志物JF神经学JO神经学FD Lippincott Williams & Wilkins SP e1009 OP e1019 DO 10.1212/WNL.0000000000半岛投注体育官网201647VO 100 IS 10 A1栗原,正典A1小松,博纪A1仙谷,仁培A1涩川,森本玛丽,松原聪,荒川友康,大田明,石桥诚,光武健二,柴田明彦,石浦绍太,安达宏之,大濑香织,波野健介,伊原庆子,西原亮子,西娜娜,德丸子,石井雅美多利,斋藤健二,村山优子,重尾茂雄A1金松,岩田和美,Atsushi YR 2023 UL http://n.半岛投注体育官网neurology.org/content/100/10/e1009.abstract AB背景和目标在苏氨酸181位点磷酸化的CSF tau (p-tau181)是阿尔茨海默病(AD)广泛使用的生物标志物,最近被认为可以反映AD大脑中的β-淀粉样蛋白和/或p-tau沉积。神经元核内包体病(NIID)是一种以神经元、胶质细胞和其他体细胞核内包体为特征的神经退行性疾病。症状包括痴呆、神经病等。CSF生物标志物未见报道。本研究的目的是调查包括p-tau181在内的CSF生物标志物是否在NIID患者中发生改变。方法回顾性观察研究。比较了12例NIID患者、120例基于CSF生物标志物谱生物学证实的阿尔茨海默临床综合征患者和临床诊断为其他神经认知障碍的患者(路易体痴呆[DLB], 24例;额颞叶痴呆[FTD] 13;进行性核上性麻痹[PSP], 21; and corticobasal syndrome [CBS], 13). Amyloid PET using Pittsburgh compound B (PiB) was performed in 6 patients with NIID.Results The mean age of patients with NIID, AD, DLB, FTD, PSP, and CBS was 71.3, 74.6, 76.8, 70.2, 75.5, and 71.9 years, respectively. CSF p-tau181 was significantly higher in NIID (72.7 ± 24.8 pg/mL) compared with DLB, PSP, and CBS and was comparable between NIID and AD. CSF p-tau181 was above the cutoff value (50.0 pg/mL) in 11 of 12 patients with NIID (91.7%). Within these patients, only 2 patients showed decreased CSF Aβ42, and these patients showed negative or mild local accumulation in PiB PET, respectively. PiB PET scans were negative in the remaining 4 patients tested. The proportion of patients with increased CSF p-tau181 and normal Aβ42 (A−T+) was significantly higher in NIID (75%) compared with DLB, PSP, and CBS (4.2%, 4.8%, and 7.7%, respectively). CSF HVA and 5-HIAA concentrations were significantly higher in patients with NIID compared with disease controls.Discussion CSF p-tau181 was increased in patients with NIID without amyloid accumulation. Although the deposition of p-tau has not been reported in NIID brains, the molecular mechanism of tau phosphorylation or secretion of p-tau may be altered in NIID.5-HIAA=5-hydroxyindole acetic acid; AD=Alzheimer disease; Aβ42=amyloid-beta 1–42; ANCOVA=analysis of covariance; CBS=corticobasal syndrome; CL=centiloid; DLB=dementia with Lewy bodies; FAB=Frontal Assessment Battery; FXTAS=fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome; FTD=frontotemporal dementia; HSV-1=herpes simplex virus type 1; HVA=homovanillic acid; MAO=monoaminoxidase; MMSE=Mini-Mental State Examination; NIID=neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease; p-tau181=tau phosphorylated at threonine 181; PiB=Pittsburgh compound B; PSP=progressive supranuclear palsy; t-tau=total tau