RT杂志文章SR电子T1老年人的嗅觉与脑容量和神经心理功能的纵向轨迹的关联JF神经学JO神经学FD Lippincott Williams & Wilkins SP e964 OP e974 DO 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201646半岛投注体育官网VO 100 IS 9 A1 Qu Tian A1 Yang An A1 Melissa H. Kitner-Triolo A1 Christos Davatzikos A1 Stephanie A. Studenski A1 Luigi Ferrucci A1 Susan M. Resnick YR 2023 UL http://n.半岛投注体育官网neurology.org/content/100/9/e964.abstract AB背景和目标嗅觉功能随着年龄的增长而下降,嗅觉缺陷是神经退行性疾病的最早特征之一,如帕金森病和阿尔茨海默病。先前的研究表明,嗅觉与脑容量和认知功能有关,但数据完全是横向的。我们旨在研究嗅觉与脑容量和神经心理功能变化的纵向关联。在巴尔的摩老龄化纵向研究中,我们选择了第一次嗅觉评估,使用线性混合效应模型,根据人口统计学变量和心血管疾病调整,来检查50岁或50岁以上参与者的神经心理表现和脑容量的回顾性和前瞻性变化与嗅觉的相关性。嗅觉通过16项嗅探棒的气味识别得分来衡量。我们分析了567名(58%女性,42%男性,27%黑人,66%白人和7%其他)具有气味识别评分和脑容量MRI数据的参与者(n = 420例平均3.7年的回顾性重复,n = 280例平均1.2年的前瞻性重复)的数据。我们还分析了754名参与者(56%女性,44%男性,29%黑人,65%白人和6%其他)进行神经心理学评估的数据(n = 630例平均6.6年的回顾性重复,n = 280例平均1.5年的前瞻性重复)。调整后,较高的气味识别评分与内嗅皮层(β±SE = 0.0093±0.0031,p = 0.0028, β±SE = 0.0176±0.0073,p = 0.0169)、海马区(β±SE = 0.0070±0.0030,p = 0.0192, β±SE = 0.0173±0.0066,p = 0.0089)和额外的额叶和颞叶区(均p < 0.05)的脑萎缩减缓有关。较高的气味识别得分还与先前记忆、注意力、处理速度和手灵巧度下降较慢以及随后注意力下降较慢有关(均p < 0.05)。 Some associations were attenuated after exclusion of data points at and after symptom onset of cognitive impairment or dementia.Discussion In older adults, olfaction is related to brain atrophy of specific brain regions and neuropsychological changes in specific domains over time. The observed associations are driven, in part, by those who developed cognitive impairment or dementia. Future longitudinal studies with longer follow-ups are needed to understand whether olfactory decline precedes cognitive decline and whether it is mediated through regionally specific brain atrophy.AD=Alzheimer disease; BLSA=Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging; CVLT=California Verbal Learning Test; DSM-III-R=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Revised; DSST=Digit Symbol Substitution Test; FDR=false discovery rate; LME=linear mixed effect; MCI=mild cognitive impairment; MMSE=Mini-Mental State Examination; MPRAGE=magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo; MUSE=MUlti-atlas region Segmentation using Ensembles; TMT-A=Trail Making Test part A; TMT-B=Trail Making Test part B