TY - JOUR T1 -与多发性硬化症相关的直接医疗保健费用JF -神经病学JO -神经病学SP - e899 LP - e910 DO - 10.1212半岛投注体育官网/WNL.0000000000201645六世- 100 - 9 AU -阿米尔Khakban盟Elisabet罗德里格斯Llorian盟——克里斯蒂娜·d·葡萄盟——斯科特·b·彭定康盟Jiwon哦-安东尼Traboulsee盟盟-拉里·d·林德盟代表CanProCo研究小组Y1 - 2023/02/28 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/content/100/9/e899.abstract N2 -多发性硬化症(MS)的背景和目标,nontraumatic神经系统残疾的主要原因在年轻的半岛投注体育官网成年人,产生一个重大的经济负担的卫生保健系统。本研究的目的是量化加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省多发性硬化症的超额医疗费用。方法采用2001年至2020年基于人群的行政健康数据对MS患者进行回顾性匹配队列研究。满足有效病例定义的多发性硬化症患者在性别、年龄和队列入组日期上与5个无多发性硬化症的独特对照相匹配。对患者和对照组进行随访,直到2020年底或他们最后一次使用医疗保健资源,以先到者为准。我们计算了每个人的直接医疗费用,包括门诊服务的使用、住院和分配的药物。我们使用具有身份链接和正态分布的广义线性模型来估计多发性硬化症的超额成本作为多发性硬化症患者和对照组之间的平均成本差异。所有费用均以2020年加元计算。结果共17071例MS患者与85355例对照。 Overall, 72.4% were female, and the mean age at cohort entry date was 46.1 years. The excess cost of MS was $6,881 (95% CI: $6,713, $7,049) per patient-year. Inpatient, outpatient, and medication costs accounted for 25%, 10%, and 65% of excess costs, respectively. Excess costs were higher in patients with MS with at least one disease-modifying therapy (DMT) prescription ($13,267; 95% CI: $12,992–$13,542) compared with non-DMT users ($3,469; 95% CI: $3,297–$3,641) and even higher among frequent DMT users ($24,835; 95% CI: $24,528–$25,141). Patients with MS with a history of at least one relapse requiring hospitalization had higher excess costs ($10,543; 95% CI: $10,136–$10,950) compared with patients with MS without a relapse; hospitalizations accounted for 51% of the costs in this group. The excess cost of hospitalizations was $1,391 lower among frequent DMT users than non-DMT users.Discussion The economic burden of MS is considerable, with medications, particularly DMTs, being the largest cost driver. Future studies should investigate how disease management strategies, including early diagnosis and timely use of DMTs, could offset future and ongoing costs while improving patients' quality of life.DAD=discharge abstract database; DMT=disease-modifying therapy; ICD=International Classification of Diseases; MS=multiple sclerosis; MSP=medical services plan ER -