TY - JOUR T1 -学术神经病学和COV半岛投注体育官网ID-19大流行JF -神经病学JO -神经病学SP - 430 LP - 436 DO - 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201571VL - 100 IS - 9 AU - Nina F. Schor AU - Merit E. Cudkowicz AU - Brenda Banwell Y1 - 2023/02/28 UR - http://n.半岛投注体育官网neurology.org/content/100/9/430.abstract N2 - SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)病毒大流行严重影响了全球人类健康、卫生保健服务、卫生保健工作者和卫生保健研究。学术神经学领域也不例外。半岛投注体育官网在本次2022年总统全体会议上,我们讨论了神经学家和神经科学家在专业和个人方面面临的挑战。我们回顾了大流行对神经科学研究活动、材料、生产力和资金构成的威胁。然后我们讨论了大流行对神经系统疾病临床试验的影响。由于亲身参与实验室检测、成像和研究访问的机会有限,对患者登记的限制导致了临床试验登记和研究完成的延迟,但也导致了远程参与临床试验参与者的创新手段,以及对试验相关患者评估的频率和设计进行批判性评估的策略。临床护理也受到了最初流行病优先紧急就诊和住院护理以及大多数其他神经病学护理迅速转向远程医疗的挑战。半岛投注体育官网前线神经病学护理团队面半岛投注体育官网临着对感染的恐惧,大流行最初几个月的特点是不确定性、不一致的国家卫生保健战略、有限的个人防护装备以及COVID-19导致的人类患病和死亡率令人震惊。这一大流行病给个人和社会造成的损失是无法估量的。 Across research and clinical neurology providers, women and particularly those with young families juggled the impossible balance of career and family care as schools closed and children required home-based education. Shining through this dark time are lessons that should shape a brighter future for our field. We are resilient, and the advances in neuroscience and neurology care continue to advance improved neurologic outcomes. The National Institutes of Health devised multiple support strategies for researchers to help bridge the pandemic. Telehealth, clinical trial designs that are more participant-centric with remote monitoring, and flexible work schedules are strategies to rebalance overworked lives and improve our engagement with our patients. As we re-emerge, we have the chance to reframe our field.NIH=National Institutes of Health; PPE=personal protective equipment; TRANSCENDS=Training in Research for Academic Neurologists to Sustain Careers and Enhance the Numbers of Diverse Scholars; URM=under-represented minority ER -