TY - JOUR T1 -芬兰动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者的病死率JF - Neurology JO - Neurology SP - e348 LP - e356 DO - 10.1212/W半岛投注体育官网NL.0000000000201402VL - 100 IS - 3 AU - Aleksanteri Asikainen AU - Miikka Korja AU - Jaakko Kaprio AU - Ilari Rautalin Y1 - 2023/01/17 UR - http://n.半岛投注体育官网neurology.org/content/100/3/e348.abstract N2 -背景和目的尽管单中心研究报告了动脉瘤性网膜下腔出血(SAH)的病死率(CFRs)下降,但全国范围内还包括长时间不间断研究期的突然死亡SAHs的报道仍然有限。此外,尚不清楚SAH CFR的时间依赖趋势是否因年龄和/或性别而异。因此,我们旨在描述1998年至2017年芬兰SAH CFRs的全国变化特征。我们使用2个外部验证的全国登记册来确定1998-2017年芬兰所有住院和非住院(猝死)动脉瘤性SAH事件。除了总体的30天CFRs外,我们还确定了SAH住院患者中每年突然死亡和30天CFRs的比例。为了估计随时间变化的趋势,我们计算了每年经年龄调整和性别调整后的CFR变化(95% ci的百分比)。在1998年至2017年期间,我们发现了9443例SAH(57.6%为女性),其中2245例(23.8%)在住院前死亡,3715例(39.3%)在SAH后30天内死亡。在7198例SAH住院患者中,30天CFR为20.4%。在研究期间,经年龄和性别调整后的CFR总体平均每年下降1.8%(1.1%-2.6%)。 The decreases were especially notable in the proportion of sudden deaths among middle-aged (aged 40–64 years) and older (aged 65 years or older) women (2.9% [1.1%–4.7%] and 2.3% [0.7%–4.0%] per year, respectively) and in the CFRs of hospitalized young (younger than 40 years) and middle-aged women (9.1% [2.3%–15.7%] and 4.3% [2.3%–6.5%] per year, respectively). On the contrary, the 30-day CFR of older (aged 65 years or older) hospitalized men increased by 3.5% (0.7%–6.3%) per year, while the proportions of older men who died before hospitalization remained unchanged.Discussion The overall CFR of SAH seems to be decreasing, at least among women. The continued high CFR of hospitalized older men requires attention from clinicians and epidemiologists, especially if this trend is also common in other countries.CDR=Cause of Death Register; CFR=case fatality rate; CRHC=Care Register for Health Care; ICD-10=10th revision of the International Classification of Disease; PPV=positive predictive value; RR=risk ratio; SAH=subarachnoid hemorrhage; SBP=systolic blood pressure ER -