TY - JOUR T1 -一般人群血管周围空间的决定因素JF - Neurology JO - Neurology SP - e107 LP - e122 DO 半岛投注体育官网- 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201349六世- 100 - 2非盟-杨怡饰大肠埃文斯盟玛丽亚j . Knol AU -佩特拉Schwingenschuh盟凯瑟琳Wittfeld AU -希拉尔萨马盟m . Arfan AU - Florian Dubost盟的Ikram Kimberlin m . h . van Wijnen AU -佩特拉Katschnig盟Pinar Yilmaz AU -玛伦德Bruijne盟穆罕默德有非盟-克里斯托弗·陈盟snoke兰格AU -亨利Volzke AU - m . Kamran盟的Ikram汉斯·j .主观能动性AU -莱因霍尔德施密特盟Hieab得出亚当斯AU - Meike w . Vernooij Y1 - 2023/01/10 UR -http://n.半岛投注体育官网neurology.org/content/100/2/e107.abstract N2 -背景和目标血管周围间隙(PVS)是大脑小血管疾病(CSVD)的新兴标志物,但对其决定因素的研究一直受到使用异质分级方法的小型单一研究的相互冲突的结果的阻碍。因此,在本研究中,我们旨在使用统一的PVS评级方法,在多个队列研究的汇总分析中确定PVS负担的决定因素。方法包括来自Virchow-Robin空间扩大统一神经成像联盟和英国生物银行的10个基于人群的队列研究的成年参与者。在MRI扫描中,我们根据统一且经过验证的评分协议(手动和自动使用深度学习算法)统计了4个大脑区域(中脑、海马体、基底神经节和半卵圆椎体)的PVS。作为潜在的决定因素,我们考虑了人口统计学、心血管危险因素、APOE基因型和其他CSVD的影像学标记。使用负二项回归模型来检查这些决定因素与PVS计数之间的关系。结果共纳入39976人(年龄20-96岁)。4个地区的平均PVS数从20岁(0-1个PVS)增加到90岁(2-7个PVS)。男性中脑PVS较多(OR [95% CI] = 1.13[1.08-1.18]),但海马PVS较少(0.82[0.81-0.83])。 Higher blood pressure, particularly diastolic pressure, was associated with more PVS in all regions (ORs between 1.04–1.05). Hippocampal PVS showed higher counts with higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (1.02 [1.01–1.02]), glucose levels (1.02 [1.01–1.03]), and APOE ε4-alleles (1.02 [1.01–1.04]). Furthermore, white matter hyperintensity volume and presence of lacunes were associated with PVS in multiple regions, but most strongly with the basal ganglia (1.13 [1.12–1.14] and 1.10 [1.09–1.12], respectively).Discussion Various factors are associated with the burden of PVS, in part regionally specific, which points toward a multifactorial origin beyond what can be expected from PVS-related risk factor profiles. This study highlights the power of collaborative efforts in population neuroimaging research.ASPS=Austrian Stroke Prevention Study; BMI=body mass index; CSVD=cerebral small vessel disease; EDIS=Epidemiology of Dementia in Singapore; FLAIR=fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; HDL=high-density lipoproteins; ICC=intraclass correlation coefficient; ICV=intracranial volume; PVS=perivascular spaces; RS=Rotterdam Study; SHIP=Study of Health in Pomerania; UKB=UK Biobank; WM=white matter; WMH=WM hyperintensity ER -