@article {Lie38作者={钩稽李和艾丽卡j . Laukka Serhiy Dekhtyar Goran这不和Andreja Speh和劳拉Fratiglioni Gr {\ ' e} goria Kalpouzos Chengxuan秋},title ={行为之间的联系、生物和遗传标记的心血管健康和核磁共振大脑衰老的标志},体积={100}={1},页面= {e38——e48} = {2023}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000201346}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景和目的的生活{\ textquoteright}年代提出了简单的7个方法定半岛投注体育官网义心血管健康(CVH)指标。我们试图调查行为之间的关系,生物和遗传标记CVH和血管在老年人大脑衰老。这个以人群为基础的队列研究方法包括参与者重复脑部MRI措施从2001年到2003年2010(即2007 {\ textendash}。计数血管周的空间,(负责人)的白质高密度和灰质,可见)。基线,全球、行为和生物CVH指标定义和得分后,生活简单{\ textquoteright}年代7方法,并分为不利,中间,和根据tertiles有利的资料。代谢的遗传风险评分计算通过计算15个风险等位基因与高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常。数据分析使用线性mixed-effects Cox比例风险模型,调整了年龄、性别和教育。结果研究样本包括317名参与者(60岁以上;61.8 \ %的女性)。有利的和中间(vs不利)全球CVH概要文件相关负责人进展缓慢,与β-coefficients (95 \ % CI)为-0.019 (-0.035 {\ textendash} 0.002)和-0.018 (0.001 -0.034 {\ textendash}),分别。有利和中间(vs不利)生物CVH概要显著相关负责人缓慢增加60岁以上的人只有在{\ textendash} 72年。CVH概要文件不相关的其他大脑的发展措施。 Furthermore, a higher metabolic genetic risk score (range: 6{\textendash}21) was associated with faster WMH increase (β-coefficient = 0.005; 95\% CI: 0.003{\textendash}0.008). There were statistical interactions of metabolic genetic risk score with global and behavioral CVH profiles on WMH accumulation. A higher metabolic genetic risk score was related to faster WMH accumulation, with β-coefficients being 0.015(0.007{\textendash}0.023), 0.005(0.001{\textendash}0.009), and 0.003(-0.001 to 0.006) among people with unfavorable, intermediate, and favorable global CVH profiles, respectively; the corresponding β-coefficients were 0.013(0.006{\textendash}0.020), 0.006(0.003{\textendash}0.009), and 0.002(-0.002 to 0.006) among people with unfavorable, intermediate, and favorable behavioral CVH profiles.Discussion Intermediate to favorable global CVH profiles in older adults are associated with slower vascular brain aging. The association of metabolic genetic risk load with accelerated vascular brain aging was evident among people with unfavorable to intermediate, but not favorable, CVH profiles. These findings highlight the importance of adhering to favorable CVH profiles, especially healthy behaviors, in vascular brain health.ATC=Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical; GM=gray matter; CVH=cardiovascular health; PVS=perivascular space; SNAC-K=Swedish National Study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen; SNP=single nucleotide polymorphism; WMH=white matter hyperintensity}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/1/e38}, eprint = {//www.ebmtp.com/content/100/1/e38.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }