TY - JOUR T1 -中年饮食习惯与20年痴呆症发病率之间的关系JF - Neurology JO - Neurology SP - e28 LP - e37 DO - 10.1212/WNL.000000000020半岛投注体育官网1336六世- 100 - 1 AU -龟头,伊莎贝尔盟——Sonestedt,艾米丽盟——Nagga凯蒂盟——Gustavsson Anna-Marta AU - Gonzalez-Padilla,以斯帖盟——承担,燕盟——Stomrud Erik AU -米蓝德奥尔AU -尼尔森,Peter m . AU - Palmqvist塞巴斯蒂安AU -汉森,奥斯卡·Y1 - 2023/01/03 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/content/100/1/e28.abstract N2 -背景和目标痴呆病例预计三在接下来的30年里,半岛投注体育官网强调发现痴呆症可改变的风险因素的重要性。本研究的目的是调查坚持传统饮食建议或改良的地中海饮食是否与随后发生全因痴呆、阿尔茨海默病(AD)、血管性痴呆(VaD)的较低风险相关,或与AD相关β-淀粉样蛋白(a β)病理的未来积累相关。方法:1991-1996年,前瞻性瑞典人群为基础的Malmö饮食和癌症研究进行了基线检查,并对痴呆事件进行了随访,直到2014年。出生于1923-1950年并居住在Malmö的非痴呆患者被邀请参与研究。招募了3万446人(占所有合格人员的41%)。28,25人有饮食数据并被纳入这项研究。通过7天的饮食日记、详细的饮食频率问卷和1小时的访谈来评估饮食习惯。主要结局是由记忆临床医生确定的偶发全因痴呆、AD或VaD。次要终点是用脑脊液Aβ42测定a β积累(n = 738)。 Cox proportional hazard models were used to examine associations between diet and risk of developing dementia (adjusted for demographics, comorbidities, smoking, physical activity, and alcohol).Results Sixty-one percent were women, and the mean (SD) age was 58.1 (7.6) years. One thousand nine hundred forty-three (6.9%) were diagnosed with dementia (median follow-up, 19.8 years). Individuals adhering to conventional dietary recommendations did not have lower risk of developing all-cause dementia (hazard ratio [HR] comparing worst with best adherence, 0.93, 95% CI 0.81–1.08), AD (HR 1.03, 0.85–1.23), or VaD (HR 0.93, 0.69–1.26). Neither did adherence to the modified Mediterranean diet lower the risk of developing all-cause dementia (HR 0.93 0.75–1.15), AD (HR 0.90, 0.68–1.19), or VaD (HR 1.00, 0.65–1.55). The results were similar when excluding participants developing dementia within 5 years or those with diabetes. No significant associations were found between diet and abnormal Aβ accumulation, conventional recommendations (OR 1.28, 0.74–2.24) or modified Mediterranean diet (OR 0.85, 0.39–1.84).Discussion In this 20-year follow-up study, neither adherence to conventional dietary recommendations nor to modified Mediterranean diet were significantly associated with subsequent reduced risk for developing all-cause dementia, AD dementia, VaD, or AD pathology.Aβ=AD-related β-amyloid; AD=Alzheimer disease; FFQ=food frequency questionnaire; mMDS=modified Mediterranean diet score; IQR=interquartile range; METhh/week=metabolic equivalent hours/week; NPR=National Patient Register; PREDIMED=Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea; SDGS=Swedish dietary guidelines score; VaD=vascular dementia ER -