TY - JOUR T1 -联合健康生活方式因素与2型糖尿病患者痴呆发病的关系JF -神经学JO -神经学SP - e2336 LP - e2345 DO - 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201231半岛投注体育官网VL - 99 IS - 21 AU -王斌AU -王宁健AU -孙颖AU -谭潇AU -张继辉AU -卢英利Y1 - 2022/11/22 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/content/99/21/e2336.abstract N2 -背景和目标2型半岛投注体育官网糖尿病和生活方式因素与痴呆症风险相关,但健康的生活方式对糖尿病相关痴呆的影响在很大程度上仍然未知。我们的目的是调查糖尿病患者痴呆症风险的增加是否可以被健康生活方式因素的广泛组合所抵消。本前瞻性研究使用了来自英国生物银行队列的数据。总体生活方式得分从0到7,7个健康生活方式因素每一个1分:目前不吸烟,适量饮酒,定期体育锻炼,健康饮食,充足的睡眠时间,较少的久坐行为和频繁的社会接触。通过与电子健康记录的联系来确定痴呆事件。Cox比例风险模型用于检验糖尿病、健康生活方式评分和痴呆症发病率之间的关系。我们纳入了167,946名60岁或以上无痴呆的参与者(平均年龄64.1岁[SD 2.8]岁,51.7%为女性)。在平均12.3年的随访中,4351人患上了全因痴呆。患有糖尿病的参与者,而不是患有前驱糖尿病的参与者,显示出比血糖正常的人更高的痴呆症风险。与生活方式评分为7的无糖尿病参与者相比,生活方式评分为0-2和7的糖尿病患者痴呆症的风险比(HRs)分别为4.01 (95% CI 3.06-5.25)和1.74 (95% CI 1.11-2.72)。 Among participants with diabetes, the HR for dementia comparing a lifestyle score of 7 vs 0–2 was 0.46 (95% CI 0.28–0.75). This finding corresponded to a reduction in the 10-year absolute risk of dementia from 5.22% (95% CI 3.94%–6.73%) to 1.72% (95% CI 0.92%–2.97%). The association between higher lifestyle score and lower dementia risk was independent of glycemic control and diabetes medication.Discussion Adherence to a broad range of healthy lifestyle factors was associated with a significantly lower risk of dementia among participants with diabetes. Behavioral lifestyle modification through multifactorial approaches should be a priority for prevention and delayed onset of dementia in patients with diabetes.BMI=body mass index; HbA1c=glycated hemoglobin; HR=hazard ratio; ICD=International Classification of Diseases; SNAC-K=Swedish National Study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen ER -