% 0期刊文章% Kimford j . tommeador一路%一扎卡里·n·斯托%嘉莉棕色%切尔西p . Robalino %阿比盖尔g·马修斯%劳拉·A . Kalayjian % p Emanuela Voinescu % Patricia Penovich伊丽莎白·e·杰拉德% % Jennifer Cavitt埃文·R . Gedzelman % % b的页面Pennell %代表MONEAD侦探组% T前瞻性群组研究抑郁症的孕期和产后女性癫痫与对照组% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2022%。0000000000200958 % J半岛投注体育官网神经病学% P e1573-e1583 % V 99% N 15% X背景和目标评估发病率和重度抑郁发作的相关因素(md)和抑郁和焦虑症状的孕妇在怀孕期间和产后时期癫痫(PWWE)与健康孕妇妊娠(HPW)和女性癫痫(NPWWE)类似的时间。先前的研究已经报道产后抑郁症发生率高的女性癫痫而没有癫痫的女人。然而,身边使用结构化面试的发病率在怀孕期间和产后没有直接与对照组相比,抑郁和焦虑症状的比较和相关因素的作用仍然是模棱两可的。方法的结果和抗癫痫药物神经发育影响研究是一个多中心的结果前瞻性PWWE平行组队列研究和他们的孩子。这份报告调查了情绪障碍。不同于以往的癫痫妊娠研究,结构化临床采访精神Disorders-IV诊断与统计手册(SCID)提供终身诊断,反复SCID情绪模块评估身边,先天的主要结果。抑郁症的症状(贝克抑郁量表(BDI)和爱丁堡产后抑郁量表(环保署))和焦虑(贝克焦虑量表(BAI))也与多种临床因素评估。结果本研究包括PWWE (n = 331)和HPW (n = 102)怀孕期间和产后NPWWE在相当的时间(n = 102)。没有发现差异SCID-diagnosed身边的发病率在团体,但BDI抑郁症状恶化PWWE vs NPWWE孕妇在怀孕期间和产后期间vs HPW NPWWE。白孕期焦虑症状恶化在PWWE vs HPW NPWWE和产后vs HPW。怀孕期间与身边相关的因素/产后PWWE包括> 1发作/ 90天,抗惊厥的polytherapy,意外怀孕,一生情绪障碍的历史。自杀意念从BDI或环保署与白焦虑症状。Discussion Although SCID-based MDE did not differ across groups, this prospective study confirms higher rates of psychiatric symptoms in patients with epilepsy during pregnancy and postpartum, provides new data on associated factors, and underscores the importance of anxiety in risk for depression and thoughts of death/dying or suicide. Given the risks, PWWE should be routinely assessed and symptomatic patients should be offered treatment.Trial Registration Information This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov as NCT01730170.ASM=antiseizure medication; BAI=Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI=Beck Depression Inventory; EPDS=Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale; HPW=healthy pregnant women; MDE=major depressive episode; MONEAD=Maternal Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs; NPWWE=nonpregnant women with epilepsy; OR=odds ratio; PWWE=pregnant women with epilepsy; SCID=Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV; WWE=women with epilepsy %U //www.ebmtp.com/content/neurology/99/15/e1573.full.pdf