TY - T1的协会的体重的下降与颅内压减肥手术后女性特发性颅内高血压JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e1090 LP - e1099做- 10.1212 / WNL。半岛投注体育官网0000000000200839六世非盟- 99 - 11 -苏珊·p·Mollan Andreas Yiangou AU -詹姆斯·米切尔盟盟-瑞安s Ottridge盟Zerin Alimajstorovic AU -大卫·m·卡特赖特盟盟西蒙·j·Hickman凯拉·a·马基AU -圣人Singhal盟Abd a Tahrani AU -艾玛Frew盟-克里斯蒂安·布洛克AU -亚历山德拉吉恩·辛克莱Y1 - 2022/09/13 UR - //www.ebmtp.com/content/99/11/e1090.abstract N2 -背景和目标体重特发性颅内高血压随机对照试验(颅内高压症:WT)证实,减肥减肥手术显著降低颅内压与社区相比体重管理干预。半岛投注体育官网这substudy旨在评估所需的减肥降低颅内压和探索不同的减肥手术方法的效果。颅内高压症方法:WT是一个多中心随机对照试验。成年女性与活跃的特发性颅内高血压和体重指数≥35 kg / m2随机减肥手术或社区体重管理干预(1:1)。按方案分析评价颅内压力之间的关系,减肥,减肥方法。线性分层回归模型被用来适应审判结果,调整时间,治疗的手臂,和体重。结果六十六名女性中,其中23日收到由12个月减肥手术;8.7的平均年龄是31 (SD)年减肥手术小组和33.2(标准差7.4)年饮食组。两组基线体重和颅内压相似的平均体重119.5(标准差24.1)和117.9 (SD) 19.5公斤,腰椎穿刺的开启压力34.4(标准差6.3)和34.9(标准差5.3)cmCSF减肥手术和饮食组,分别。减肥能显著降低颅内压(R2 = 0.4734, p≤0.0001)。24的百分比减肥(减肥13.3公斤(标准差1.76))与疾病缓解(颅内压(ICP)≤25 cmCSF)。 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass achieved greater, more rapid, and sustained ICP reduction compared with other methods.Discussion The greater the weight loss, the greater the reduction in ICP was documented. Twenty four percentage of weight loss was associated with disease remission. Such magnitude of weight loss was unlikely to be achieved without bariatric surgery, and hence, consideration of referral to a bariatric surgery program early for those with active idiopathic intracranial hypertension may be appropriate.Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02124486; ISRCTN registry number ISRCTN40152829; doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN40152829.Classification of Evidence This study provides Class II evidence that weight loss after bariatric surgery results in reduction in intracranial pressure in adult women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. This study is Class II because of the use of a per-protocol analysis.BMI=body mass index; CWI=community weight management intervention; HIT-6=headache impact test-6; ICP=intracranial pressure; IIH=idiopathic intracranial hypertension; RYGB=Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; WT=weight trial ER -