PT -期刊文章AU -艾米丽·m·肖尔AU -瑞秋Brandstadter AU -彼得·金盟-克里斯汀·斯塔尔盟-斯蒂芬Krieger TI -神经病学培训:诊断准确性- 10.1212 / WNL神经病学居民援助。半岛投注体育官网0000000000011232 DP - 2021年3月30日TA -神经病半岛投注体育官网学PG - e1804 e1808 VI - 96 IP - 13 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2021 3月30日;96 AB -客观描述情况下提出的初级神经病学居民和评估居民诊断模式来帮助解决个人和系统性的教育需求。半岛投注体育官网方法6学术年,整个上午的细节报告病例初级神经病学居民提出的评估和记录,包括居民的独立初始诊断的印象。半岛投注体育官网例后重新审视在后续早上报告“关闭循环”最后的诊断。我们进行了回顾性研究,量化统计并确定居民基于指定本地化通路诊断准确性。结果统计分析包括1472例;其中,1301合格的精度分析由于诊断的不确定性在早上报告的时间。Non-neurologic病因代表26.0%的病例。中枢神经系统病因是神经的多数(86.0%)例。最常见的诊断是缺血性中风和癫痫发作。 Overall resident diagnostic accuracy was 64.0%. Accuracy was similar between central and peripheral etiologies. Of 1,301 cases, 15.3% were overcalled as neurologic, while neurologic disease was rarely mistaken as non-neurologic (5.1%). Most diagnostic errors (49.1%) occurred when determining whether a case was neurologic. Where in the localization pathway errors occurred varied between etiologies.Conclusion Overall diagnostic accuracy for neurology junior residents in our cohort was similar to prior work conducted in smaller samples. Analysis of errors, particularly at the critical “neurologic or non-neurologic” decision point, warrants further investigation. Close the loop methodology is simple to employ and can guide educational and quality initiatives to improve neurology resident clinical acumen.CTL=close the loop; ED=emergency department; NOS=not otherwise specified; PNS=peripheral nervous system