PT -期刊文章盟Cortese罗莎AU - Magnollay,丽丝AU -病重,卡门AU -阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹,Khaled AU -雅各布,阿奴AU - De旧金山Floriana盟——Yiannakas腻过c . AU -普拉多,弗兰盟——Ourselin Sebastien盟——Yousry塔雷克。a . AU - Barkhof弗雷德里克AU - Ciccarelli,奥尔加TI -中央静脉标志值在3 t女士与血清反应阳性的- 10.1212 / WNL NMOSD援助。0000000000005256 DP - 2018年4月03 TA -神经病半岛投注体育官网学PG - e1183 e1190 VI - 90 IP - 14 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2018 4月03;90 AB -客观评估的价值中央静脉签署(CVS)临床3 t扫描仪区分多发性硬化症(MS)和视neuromyelitis谱系障碍(NMOSD)。方法18 aquaporin-4-antibody-positive NMOSD患者,18复发缓和多发性硬化症患者,25名健康对照组接受3 t MRI。中央静脉的存在在白质病变susceptibility-weighted成像,定义为一个薄hypointense行或一个小点,被记录。Results The proportion of lesions with the CVS was higher in MS than NMOSD (80% vs 32%, p < 0.001). A greater proportion of lesions with the CVS predicted the diagnosis of MS, rather than NMOSD (odds ratio 1.10, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04 to 1.16, p = 0.001), suggesting that each percent unit increase in the proportion of lesions with the CVS in an individual patient was associated with a 10% increase in the risk of the same patient having MS. If more than 54% of the lesions on any given scan show the CVS, then the patient can be given a diagnosis of MS with an accuracy of 94% (95% CIs 81.34, 99.32, p < 0.001, sensitivity/specificity 90%/100%).Conclusion The clinical value of the CVS in the context of the differential diagnosis between MS and NMOSD, previously suggested using 7T scanners, is now extended to clinical 3T scanners, thereby making a step towards the use of CVS in clinical practice.Classification of evidence This study provides Class III evidence that the CVS on 3T MRI accurately distinguishes patients with MS from those with seropositive NMOSD.CI=confidence interval; CVS=central vein sign; EDSS=Expanded Disability Status Scale; MS=multiple sclerosis; NMOSD=neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder; OR=odds ratio; RRMS=relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; SWI=susceptibility-weighted imaging